So a few weeks ago a lady called child protective services on Sadie, she was in a cash in go to cash a check and the baby was crying, as babies do, especially colicky babies. The lady found this unacceptable and called the cops. A police officer stopped by the next night at our house to see if it was safe. He made his report saying everything looked fine, but that he did not know if DHE would want to make an investigation or not. DHE decided to make an investigation...
At first all I was told by Sadie was just that, then as the investigation continues she tells me it is because Harry is a registered sex offender, because the daughter of his ex-wife reported him for sexual abuse which she also did to her step father before him too, but that he did not actually do anything, but because the girl said he did he spent 6 years in jail, did rehabilitation and is a registered sex offender now.
Last night though I was told he pleaded guilty and that Sadie couldn't totally blame him because he didn't go looking for it, that the girl went to him because she had been abused by her past 2 "dads" and had came to expect it and even seek it out... I asked her how old she was when it happened, thinking if she was an older teenager then I can understand why Sadie doesn't blame him... the girl was 9 years old. I do not know anything past that.
Basically I am living with a sexual offender. Do I believe people can change and get better if they do abuse, yes, so I believe Harry won't ever do that again and that whoever is around him is safe? Yes I do. Am I okay being a survivor of abuse and living with a sexual offender no matter who that person is? HELL FUCKING NO
So I may not wait to move out until Sarah and her roommate's lease goes up so the three of us can get a place, there is a chance if I can find the right place to move in that I will move out by April. Harry is out of the state for work and will be for sometime thus luckily giving me time to figure out my own thoughts and what I really need, if I can be fine with this until summer or if I need to move out sooner.
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