Sunday, October 30, 2011

Financial Stress

No healing right now.

 So it seems the owner/boss of my work has chosen sides with the crazy, drug problem-ed woman who verbally attacks her co-workers. It seems I don't have a job anymore.
 I say "it seems" because the owner/boss hasn't replied to my text, hasn't contacted me in anyway. Today I had to go in to work (it's closed on Sundays right now) to see the schedule because no one contacted me letting me know when my next working day is, which happens every week because the owner only does a schedule weekly and can't seem to get it out any quicker than the last day of work of that week so we don't know if we are working that Monday or not on Friday or even most of Saturday. So I went into work to see when my next working day was to make sure I didn't miss it to see there is a schedule there done up for the next 3 weeks (something she has never done before) and I'm not even written on it at all. I can't believe someone would be so disrespectful to not let someone know that they need to cut back, that they are being laid off. We've know for some time that the season was dying down, how fucking hard is it to tell someone 1-2 weeks before hand that they aren't going to have any work for them in a week or too, thus giving them the chance to look for another job! Or FUCK just call them, or text them, something to let them know they are laid off! Don't be a douche and let them find out by having to go into work to see the schedule and see they weren't even put on it.

So now starts the financial stress. With graduating last year, and not being able to get a "legit" job I've been hit really hard financially and have had to go to credit cards occasionally, and as the time continues those debts have gotten worse. Every time I think I'm about to have them back under control I relax up a bit and they go shooting back up again... right now they are at an all time high and I've been worried about it for some time but have always made sure to make extra payments on them than what the min. is but without a job I'm now scared that I'm not going to be able to make the next payment on them... plus on my student loans, and car loan 'cause my old car just had to die on me last year thus forcing me to by a new one... thus financial stress

So now I have to really put my head down and start doing some big job searching. And sadly with this stress and the need to get a job I have to put my healing aside right now and focus on making sure I can pay my bills.

I really hope this is a blessing, I hope I can pick up some acceptable paying full time job in ptown so I can move close to my friends and out of the parent's house, and be financially stable again since college. That is my goal, wish me luck 'cause right now I really need it.

1 comment:

  1. There are jobs aplenty out here... but I'm pretty sure you'd hate the ND winter. Tons of snow but no "real" skiing. Apparently Turtle Mountain has $12 lift tickets, but I'm having trouble taking anything called "turtle mountain" seriously...

    Keep your chin up. I know it sucks serious ass right now. Just start sending out those resumes and cover letters everywhere you can. Whether they're looking or not. Just gush about how much you love their company in your cover letter. I'd be happy to proof read for you and help you compose them if you need :)

    And the people at SB are obviously crazy douches. I've never understood how it's legal to not tell someone that they're no longer employed. You deserve so much better.
