Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Just What I Needed

For most of today I was still feeling pretty sad, dealing with the events of the weekend that reminded me of how much I've missed out when it comes to the relationship field, and realizing how many possibly wonderful experiences I've passed over through the years because of my issues with relationships that was as a direct result to the abuse I've been through.
 I wanted nothing more than to sleep all day, I was good though I at least got up and went for a 2+ mile walk/hike before resorting to my couch and playing monster hunters with Travis online, so semi socialness before I turned in for my bed and my silly totally girly addictive tv show. This evening I did end up talking to Charley though, a friend of mine who has also been off and on partners for the last... oh goodness two years now. Our sexual relationship has always been a fairly good one though, even though it was totally casual. We are friends, and sex was just playful and occasionally "For Science!"  which for us made it even more fun and playful. Anyways after asking how his day went knowing he has been a little stressed out recently he asked how I was and I told honestly that I was feeling out of it today. He told me if I needed to talk about it he was there to listen.
 Which happened to be the magical words I needed to hear, because I then just spilled everything. Bless his lovely heart, he listened to me, well read my splurge of information because it was over skype since we are now living one hour away from each other. Charley was just the perfect person that I needed to talk to at that time. Charley was very.. I can't seem to find the right word so here are a bunch to try and describe how awesome he was: benevolent, elevating, considerate, supportive, understanding, caring. Something that involves all of that and more and in this tone of light that's in my head but I can't seem to put it into words.

 Anyways he was just the perfect person for me to talk to at that time. He didn't say too much, at least in comparison to how much I was spilling, but what he did saw was encouraging to me. Appreciating what I've been through, the path I am on now. He suggested that I should be a counselor, that it seemed to be my true calling. Which I found very entertaining because being a counselor or therapist for people has been something I've thought about since I was in middle school, and yet never actually moved towards doing.
 Alright back on track here. In the end after talking to Charley I felt so much better. It seemed all I really needed to do to get over this hump was just actually reach out to someone and tell them how I was feeling and why, and luckily for me Charley was the best person to do that with this time, I needed his responses just as much as I needed to talk to someone.

So it's past the time that I should be in bed, and I've managed to blab on for plenty of time now. I'm calling this post done. Sweet dreams and I hope that the next time you come across the chance at a good, healthy relationship you are able to snag it and enjoy what it can bring for you.

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